The Prodigal One

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Are You Happy?

  • November 23, 2014
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A song we use to sing was, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” Unfortunately happiness will come and go as quick as the clap of a hand. Happy, sad, happy, sad, happy, sad. It’s like being on a rollercoaster. For some, the holidays can be very depressing. The first prison I was in, one would never know it was Christmas. The place was always dark and dreary. That’s just where the devil wants to keep you, In the dark. I could not find happiness, but I could find joy. Joy brought the light. This year try replacing your happiness with joy. King Solomon was the richest …..

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Freedom is Never Free

  • November 17, 2014
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I hope everyone took a minute this past week and thanked God for those who served and are serving our country. Over the past several years I have had the opportunity to serve those who served our country. I consider it an honor. I also consider it an honor to serve the one who not only served our country, but all of mankind. Many in the military have given their lives for our physical freedom. Jesus gave His life for freedom from our sin. For awhile I lost my physical freedom but nothing could take away my spiritual freedom. The last several months I have been teaching a Bible study …..

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  • November 9, 2014
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In Pastor Tony Evans book “No more excuses”, he discussed the sin of worry. He wrote, “Worry is from the word that means strangle. It chokes us. It cuts off our emotional and spiritual air supply so that we get frustrated and angry. Worry is like a rocking chair, taking you back and forth but never getting you anywhere.” Early in my incarceration I did plenty of rocking. I voiced my concerns to one of the Pastors. He told me to take care of myself and trust God to take care of my family. Once I followed his advice I felt the weight of worry lifted off my shoulders onto …..

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Fill Your Tank

  • November 2, 2014
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With gas under $3 a gallon one can almost afford to fill their gas tank. But, how full is your Spiritual tank? In Joyce Meyer’s book “Knowing God Intimately” she wrote how those filled with the Holy Spirit were effected differently (than those who are not) when trials occurred in their lives. She wrote, “The Holy Spirit often acts as a shock absorber. Automobiles have shock absorbers to soften the blow of an unexpected pothole in the road. There are potholes in the road of life, and I honestly doubt that we could endure a lifetime of them if God did not protect us.” Those full of the Spirit are …..

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  • October 26, 2014
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Halloween is this Friday. It is the one day of the year people love to be scared. People will pay money to walk through a haunted house fearful of what is around the next corner. While I am on the subject of fear, the question I would like you to ponder is do you fear God? The Old Testament mentioned several times how the people feared God. For years I have struggled with the concept of fearing God. God wants us to fear Him but also love Him. It did not make sense. How could fear and love go together? I think for many of us we would rather talk …..

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