Morning Prayer

At the end of my blog last week I shared my morning prayer. I discovered that prayer over twenty years ago while reading the devotional Our Daily Bread. I have read it every morning since. This prayer covers all the bases. It is more than a morning prayer because I recite it all the time;…

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The Best Part of Waking Up

Folgers coffee used to run a commercial that told us, “The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.” I would agree that there is nothing better than a cup of coffee in the morning. Although I would disagree that it is the best part. For me, the best part of waking up…

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As I mentioned in a prior post my sons stay connected with their Grandmas and Auntie by playing ‘Words with Friends’ on Facebook. When a player is tired of waiting for their opponent to take their turn they can send them a ‘nudge’ to get them moving. Over the past two years I have been…

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Short Changed

I read a story in Max Lucado’s book ‘Before Amen’ about a lawyer who won a case for his client. The two men celebrated with a nice dinner. At the end of the meal, the client handed the lawyer a fine wallet made of Moroccan leather. “Please accept this as my token of appreciation.” The…

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You Have No Idea

For the last couple of years, my friend, Jim, had been battling some heart issues. He has had several procedures, but nothing seemed to work. Jim was referred to a doctor in Chicago and last week was scheduled to have a surgery that could be an answer to his prayers. The day before he was…

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