The Prodigal One

Helping People Home


  • February 8, 2015
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With the football season coming to a close I thought I would use this post to look back at the season.

For years football was a very important part of my life. I loved playing, coaching and watching it. I loved anything and everything that had to do with football.

During my incarceration football suddenly didn’t seem so important. Many inmates chose to watch or wager on the games. I found I would rather read the Bible or go to one of the Chapel services.

I still enjoy football, but not the way I use to. Football has taken a backseat to God and family. Looking back at last football season the best part for me, had nothing to do with football.

It was the Sunday the four teams played to see who would go to the Super Bowl. This had always been my favorite day to watch pro football. This year it fell on the same day as the Bible study at the assisted living community. Years ago I would have done anything to get from going, but now I did not flinch. I grabbed my Bible and headed out the door.

There is a resident named Joe, (not his real name) that I always have to go to his room and get before class begins. Joe has memory issues and tends to forget about the study, or takes a nap and doesn’t wake up on time. When I remind him, he jumps out of his recliner excited to go. On the way to the Chapel he always thanks me and tells me how he would hate to miss a Bible study.

When I went into the room this time he was watching the games with a friend. I commented about the Bible study but was told he would have to miss it because he was going to watch the game.

When I arrived at the Chapel everyone wanted to know where Joe was. I explained he had company and we began the class. About 15 minutes later the doors opened and there stood Joe with Bible in hand. We welcomed him and he took his seat. As Joe sat down I heard him tell one of the attendees, “I just love the Lord so much.” I smiled and thought to myself Joe and I missed the game for the same reason. We both love the Lord so much.

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