What If?
- March 2, 2015
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The other day I was reading a story in my daily devotional written by a lady whose mother-in-law had Alzheimer. She hadn’t spoken for several months and the family, like many of us who have or had loved ones with this disease, wondered what was going on in her mind.
One night as she was feeding her mother-in-law she began to sing, “Jesus loves me! This I know.” Her mother-in-law said clearly, “Yes, that’s right.”
This seems to be a reoccurring theme for me. If you have been reading this blog, you have learned that I lead a Bible study at one of the local assisted living facilities. As stated previously, I am amazed how those with severe memory issues can recall every word of the Hymns.
The first time I saw this occur was with my grandma. Alzheimer’s had stolen her mind but could not steal her Spirit. She could not remember what she had for lunch, but could sing all the old hymns and never miss a verse. She could not remember what the weather was like outside a minute after I told her, but could remember her favorite Psalms and ask me to read them to her.
This all leaves me wondering “what if?” What if Alzheimer is another way God prepares people for Heaven? What if they are getting a glimpse of Heaven? What if one with Alzheimer is so preoccupied with Heaven they block out the world? What if they are so focused on Heaven the only time they choose to come out of their shell is when they have the opportunity to glorify God? What if?
You may think I am dreaming. Maybe I am. But after what God has pulled me through I know nothing is impossible. I dream big because our God is big. Dreams keep me wondering “what if.”
We had another great time at the Bible study this past Sunday. At the close of the service we said The Lord’s Prayer in unison. As I looked around I noticed those with Alzheimer reciting every word. The experience left me with a warm heart and wondering, what if?