The Prodigal One

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Preparing a Place

  • December 9, 2018
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It seems like we talk a lot about preparing this time of the year. Many of you probably spent countless hours in the kitchen preparing a Thanksgiving dinner. When I was growing up Thanksgiving used to last the entire day.  It was a real family day. After dinner we would visit, play cards, nap, get up and eat leftovers. And then do it all over again and again and again. Unfortunately, the world has decided to change things. The world tells us we should be more thankful for the bargains than our blessing. Now Black Friday has crept into Thanksgiving Thursday.  The world barely gives you enough time to digest …..

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Under the Influence

  • February 1, 2015
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Before Thanksgiving I thought it would neat to offer communion at the assisted living community where I lead Bible study. The elements are blessed by our Pastor and then members of the church are able to take communion to shut-ins. It was such a great privilege to be able to do this. Before leaving the church with the communion elements I was told to make sure to keep the juice in a cool place. If it was not kept cool it could turn to wine. We all kind of chuckled as we thought what may happen if this occurred. Reading this, you may grin as you think of the possibilities. …..

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Are You Happy?

  • November 23, 2014
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A song we use to sing was, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” Unfortunately happiness will come and go as quick as the clap of a hand. Happy, sad, happy, sad, happy, sad. It’s like being on a rollercoaster. For some, the holidays can be very depressing. The first prison I was in, one would never know it was Christmas. The place was always dark and dreary. That’s just where the devil wants to keep you, In the dark. I could not find happiness, but I could find joy. Joy brought the light. This year try replacing your happiness with joy. King Solomon was the richest …..

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