- January 25, 2015
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There was an inmate in Oklahoma nicknamed Shorty. Shorty was in his 50’s, looked a little like Danny Devito and wasn’t much taller. We worked in the kitchen together. I would try to talk Scripture with him from time to time. He was far from accepting Christ when we started, but as we got to know each other a little better I could see him drawing closer.
I was getting ready to go to the Thursday night Chapel service when I asked Shorty if he wanted to join me. A dejected Shorty looked up at me and then to the floor and said, “God would never want anything to do with someone like me,” turned and walked away. It left me feeling empty.
I did not know what to say. I thought I will talk to him tomorrow but tomorrow never came.
Shorty had a gallbladder attack and ended up in the infirmity and I ended up being transferred to South Dakota.
I learned there may never be a tomorrow to share my faith. Now I try to take advantage of every opportunity.
Given the opportunity I would have told Shorty God loves us with Agape love. Pastor Tony Evans described agape love in this manner, “Love that gives. No taking involved. It is completely unselfish. It seeks the highest good for another no matter what the cost, demonstrated supremely by Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.”
When I think of agape love I think back to when my sons were born. At first glance my heart melted and I knew I would do anything for them. The love I have for my sons is only a fraction of how much God loves us. I would have explained that to Shorty and I know he would have understood.
If you have a chance to share your Faith don’t wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. When you have a chance, pray for those who do not feel worthy of God’s love and say a short Prayer for The Spirit to Get Shorty.