Father Knows Best
- August 28, 2016
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Earlier this summer, our Pastor called to see if I knew of anyone who would be interested in applying for the custodial position at our church. I replied that I would be interested.
For me, jobs are not easy to come by and this was better than the one I have. I would have more hours, higher pay and no longer be working nights.
It’s not that I wanted to continue working as a custodian but it would put me in a better position to help my family and spend more time at my church. I interviewed and felt fairly confident I would receive the job.
A week later I was driving home after preaching when the Holy Spirit told me if I were to get the job it would be based more on who I know than what I know. I was also told that there was someone who needed the job and to be around my church family more than I did.
I suddenly felt that if the job was offered it would be wrong for me to accept it. Later that day, I found out that I did not receive it and was told by my Pastor that she believed God had other plans for me.
The young man who was hired accepted Jesus as his savior. Last week he and his son were both baptized and have become members of our church.
When I was first released losing this opportunity would have sent me in to a valley. But I am not the same as before because now I “Trust in the Lord with all my heart.” I am also confident God has a plan for me and that my Heavenly Father always knows best.