The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Under the Influence

  • February 1, 2015
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Before Thanksgiving I thought it would neat to offer communion at the assisted living community where I lead Bible study. The elements are blessed by our Pastor and then members of the church are able to take communion to shut-ins. It was such a great privilege to be able to do this. Before leaving the church with the communion elements I was told to make sure to keep the juice in a cool place. If it was not kept cool it could turn to wine. We all kind of chuckled as we thought what may happen if this occurred. Reading this, you may grin as you think of the possibilities. …..

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  • January 25, 2015
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There was an inmate in Oklahoma nicknamed Shorty. Shorty was in his 50’s, looked a little like Danny Devito and wasn’t much taller. We worked in the kitchen together. I would try to talk Scripture with him from time to time. He was far from accepting Christ when we started, but as we got to know each other a little better I could see him drawing closer. I was getting ready to go to the Thursday night Chapel service when I asked Shorty if he wanted to join me. A dejected Shorty looked up at me and then to the floor and said, “God would never want anything to do …..

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The Prodigal Son

  • January 19, 2015
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Last Sunday our Pastor began a three part sermon series on the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). I thought I would follow her lead. As our Pastor starting talking about the love of the father upon the return of the son I could not help but think about my return home after 25 months in prison. My father had gone to Heaven several years prior to my incarceration which left my mother to clean up the remnants of my sin by herself. She never gave up on her faith. She never gave up on me. She loved both too much. It was a warm day in July. I can still picture …..

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Turning Bad to Good

  • January 11, 2015
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Pastor Tony Evans wrote about how God can use bad experiences to prepare us for future service. He wrote, “The tragedy is not the circumstances, but that we often go through them without learning from them or realizing that God can make something good out of them.” Early on in my sentencing I decided the circumstances that led to my incarceration were not going define who I am. I was going to give God every opportunity to make something good out of something bad. I prayed for guidance and the Spirit led me to Psalm 40:1-3. I put all my hope in the Lord. He leaned down to me; he listened …..

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  • January 4, 2015
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Some things seemed to change on the outside while I was in prison. Facebook became popular. I had no idea of what “Like us on Facebook” meant. I’m still not sure. People cough into their elbows. Still can’t get used to that. Whenever I drive someone is always right on my bumper. That could be because I am driving 5 miles under the speed limit. The last thing I need is a ticket. But the biggest change is people seem to be so angry. Maybe I never noticed before because I was so blinded by my sin, but I sure do now. Whenever I go into a grocery store it …..

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