The Prodigal One

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You Have No Idea

  • July 24, 2016
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For the last couple of years, my friend, Jim, had been battling some heart issues. He has had several procedures, but nothing seemed to work. Jim was referred to a doctor in Chicago and last week was scheduled to have a surgery that could be an answer to his prayers.
The day before he was to be in Chicago, the doctor’s nurse called to go over some last minute details and ask some health-related questions. When asked, Jim admitted to some recent chest discomfort but told the nurse he thought it was probably caused by something he ate.
Jim was then informed that the surgery would need to be postponed until some tests could be run so they could eliminate the possibility that the discomfort was caused by a blocked artery; a blocked artery would increase the risk of him having a heart attack during the operation.
Jim had been preparing himself physically and spiritually for the surgery for months. His heart and Spirit were broken upon hearing the news. Jim told the nurse that she had no idea what he was going through. The nurse assured Jim she did, which upset him even more and he told her, “No, you have no idea!”
Calmly the nurse replied, “Yes I do.” Jim listened as she continued to tell him how her cancer has just returned for the 4th time. She also told Jim that although she was unsure of what her future held, she was confident that ‘God has a plan.’
God brings others into our lives when we need to see Him the most. I once read that God will either spare you from suffering or give you the grace to bare it. God sent Jim grace through the nurse that evening, and I am sure God will send the nurse grace through somebody else.
God does have an idea. He created us, died for us, and lives within us. So the next time you are struggling and feel no one has an idea of what you are going through, please be comforted knowing that God has a pretty good idea.