The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Working for the King

  • April 11, 2016
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A couple of Sunday’s ago I saw an elderly lady in church that I had not seen for quite awhile, so I thought I would sit next to her and catch up. She told me her husband had been sick and they had to move into an assisted living community and explained some of the struggles they were facing. As we continued to talk her face lit up and she began to smile. She told me how the struggles they were facing were overshadowed by the joy she received from working for the King.

Every morning she walks the halls of the facility looking for people to lift up spiritually. But before leaving her room she asks God to lead her to those she needs to reach out to. Needless to say her walks have become rewarding to both, her and the residence. The walks have even led to a Morning Prayer group.

This lady decided she was going to make the most out of a difficult situation and decided that going through a bad time with God is better than the best time without Him. She now works for the king and working for the king has a number of benefits. Including:

-Tough times turned to triumphs
-Difficulties to deliverance
-Delays to delight
-Inconveniences to opportunities

Jesus told his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” The only job requirement is a heart for the Lord and willingness to serve. So apply if you have not already done so. We all have the opportunity to become the hands and feet of Jesus and a chance to discover the joy one can only receive from working for the king.

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