The Prodigal One

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Who Am I?

  • May 31, 2020
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On Tuesday May 26th the scripture reading in my Daily Devotional was from 2 Samuel 7:18. “Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and he said, ‘Who am I, Sovereign Lord and what is my family that you have brought me this far?”  King David prayed these words when he learned that despite his sins his family would be remembered by the Lord forever.

I have prayed this verse numerous times, but it took on a special meaning Tuesday because it was nine years ago, I was incarcerated in the county jail.

I almost gave up that night. The enemy told me I was worthless God assured me I was worth something. The Lord saved my life that night and He has been blessing me every day since. My family had every right to leave but they chose to stay. My family like my God has proved that love never fails. I have discovered the answer to the question, “Who am I?” I am a child of God.

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