The Prodigal One

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What’s In a Name?

  • June 14, 2015
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The other day, I saw the most popular baby names of 2015 were Liam and Emma. The names sure have changed since I was born. Actually, they have changed since my sons, Jon and Nick, were born.
I had an Uncle John but if I were to guess where my name came from, I would say the Bible. I know how much my mom loves the Bible and always figured she named me after John the Baptist or John the Disciple.
Further proof would be my mother naming my brothers David and James. I know we had an Uncle Jim, but I do not believe anyone in the family was named David. I will stick with my Bible theory.
King David was a man after God’s heart and Jesus would come from his lineage. James was the brother of Jesus. James doubted Jesus was the Messiah until Jesus came to him after the resurrection. James would become a pillar of the Christianity movement.
I think the reason my mother named us after men in the Bible was because she wanted us to have a strong bond with Christ. I find my bond growing stronger every minute of every day. I love my brothers and pray daily they find the same bond. I pray they get to where I am, without going through what I went through to get there. I pray they really find out what is in a name and that name is Jesus.