What God Did
- August 6, 2017
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Last month I had the chance to share my message about Spiritual warfare. While I was preparing the message, it seemed like the devil and those working for him were out in full force.
I began falling for some of the tricks the father of lies was telling me so I thought I would start wearing a reminder of God’s grace. The reminder is a bracelet my son Nick made me to wear when I preach. I decided it would be best if I wore it all the time.
The bracelet is made up of small stones and three crosses. The stones remind me that my life is no longer built on sinking sand, but now, on Christ the solid rock I stand.
Each cross represents God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. The devil may remind me of my sin but the cross reminds me God died for them.
Some people wear a “What Would Jesus Do” bracelet. My bracelet is not to remind me of what Jesus would do but a constant reminder of what God did.