The Prodigal One

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The Remnant of Sin

  • October 5, 2014
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The Bible tells us God will forgive us for our sins. Unfortunately the remnant of those sins may last a lifetime. This has become magnified over the last couple of weeks.

Watching those who you love struggle is heartbreaking. My sin has handcuffed my family financially. Unfortunately, I know the helplessness of being handcuffed. Relationships have been fractured.  The remnant of your sin can lead you into deep despair and into a valley. This is right where the devil wants you.

In Tony Evans book ‘No More Excuses’ he wrote, “Sometimes God must lead you downhill to take you uphill; He must take you to the bottom in order to get you to the top. The problem comes when we’re at the bottom, because we tend to assume that it’s the end of the trip. But when the Lord is with you, something is going to happen.”

Keep the faith because God will bring you out of the valley to the top of the mountain. God has a plan for every one of us. God can break the chains that bind us and resurrect any broken relationship. Pray and then pray some more. Hold fast to His promise.