The Prodigal One

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Thank You

  • October 8, 2017
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For the past three years, I have had the honor of attending and being a part of five Advance the Light Dinners, which is put on by Christian Library International (CLI).

One of the highlights of the evening is when the attendees are asked to write an encouraging note to the inmates that are participating in the CLI Bible Study Program.

Five years ago, while sitting in a 6X10 cell in Oklahoma City, I was fortunate to receive one of the notes. It read:

“If you are reading this please know that God loves you as much as he loves anyone else-in or out of prison. Turn to Him each day and ask Him to give you the peace that passes all understanding. Although the bars keep you in, you can be as free as you want by trusting in Him always.
In His Love,
Bill G.”

This past Tuesday, October 3rd, the Lord gave me the opportunity to thank (and hug) the man who sent it to me.

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