Still Free
- October 2, 2016
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This past Thursday I had the wonderful opportunity once again, to speak at the Advance the Light Dinner for Christian Library International in Atlanta, Georgia.
Last year when I was asked I immediately accepted the invitation. It wasn’t long before the devil started putting doubts in my mind. I was reminded how the last time I was on a plane I was in handcuffs and leg irons. I wasn’t caught off guard though, because it seems that whenever I have the chance to share my story the devil would begin to attack me. I quickly reminded the devil that because of the blood of Christ my chains are gone and now I am free.
This year when I was asked, the devil did not rear his ugly head. There were no reminders of where I was because the Holy Spirit reminded me where I am and who I am. I am a child of God.
As for the devil, I know he will be back. The Apostle Peter warns us to “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Based on my past experience I know Satan would love nothing more than to take another bite out of me. When he attacks I will tell him the same thing I told him last year, “Get behind me Satan” and remind him once again my chains are gone and I am still free.