The Prodigal One

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  • May 16, 2021
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There was an inmate I was with in Oklahoma nicknamed Shorty. Shorty was in his 50’s, looked a little like Danny Devito and wasn’t much taller. Shorty and I worked in the kitchen together.  I would try to talk Scripture with him from time to time. Shorty was far from accepting Christ when we started, but as we got to know each other a little better I could see him drawing closer.

I was getting ready to go to the Thursday night Chapel service when I asked Shorty if he wanted to join me. A dejected Shorty looked up at me and then to the floor and said, “God would never want anything to do with someone like me,” turned and walked away.

Maybe you are feeling a little like Shorty this morning. Why not leave the baggage of your past at the cross of Christ. His grace is greater.

This was the prayer in Our Daily Bread this morning. Jesus, I’ve failed to do right and succeeded in doing wrong. Forgive me. Thank you for dying my death so I don’t have to.

Jesus, I’ve failed to do right and succeeded in doing wrong. Forgive me. Thank You for dying my death so I don’t have to.

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