Short Changed
- July 31, 2016
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I read a story in Max Lucado’s book ‘Before Amen’ about a lawyer who won a case for his client. The two men celebrated with a nice dinner. At the end of the meal, the client handed the lawyer a fine wallet made of Moroccan leather. “Please accept this as my token of appreciation.” The lawyer resisted. “No, I can’t settle for a wallet. My fee is $500.” The client looked at the lawyer and shrugged. “Whatever you say.” He opened the wallet and extracted two $500 bills. He reinserted one and handed the lawyer the wallet.
Sometimes we treat God the same way. We need to expect the unexpected from our great God. We need to dream big because our God is big. We need to pray big because, “nothing is impossible with God.” Most importantly we need to believe our prayers will be answered. Jesus assures us, “Believe and you will receive.”Faith can move mountains, so don’t let your lack of faith leave you short changed from all God has to offer.