The Prodigal One

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Seeing the World Differently

  • April 17, 2016
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The other day my sister and I took our mom to her doctor’s appointment and while waiting, we met a patient who was way past struggling. He had multiple issues due to an auto accident and to make matters worse, he had an allergic reaction that caused his face to swell and skin to blister. To top it off, he battled depression (who wouldn’t) and had tried to commit suicide when the medicine he was prescribed caused him to hallucinate.

My sister and I listened as he spoke of his trials and provided some encouragement. I explained that sometimes in life you need to give it all to God, lean on Him, and trust that He will see you through.

Years ago I may have thought that God sent that man to me as one of those, “it could be worse moments.” God’s way of letting me know how blessed I really am. Maybe you have been there. We hold a pity party until we come in contact with someone who is in worse shape than we are and all of a sudden we don’t feel so bad.

How shallow and self centered that type of thinking was. The God who loves us and created us all in His image doesn’t work that way.

I think the man was there because God knew my sister and I would care enough to listen to him. That’s all he wanted was a listening ear.

I believe the encounter was arranged by God. Maybe we were brought together to strengthen this man’s faith or maybe he was sent to strengthen ours. But, either way there is one thing that I am sure of, I see things differently now that I see the world through Christ colored glasses.

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