The Prodigal One

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Seeing Jesus

  • March 8, 2020
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Last Sunday I saw Jesus in prison.

The guest speaker at the worship service was Nate Terry, an ex-drug dealing, drug abusing, gang leader until his sin and the police caught up with him. Now Nate is a pastor.

I first met Nate when I was an inmate in the Tazewell County Jail. It was great to see him again, even better when I walked out with him. I saw Jesus in Nate.

After the first service 11 volunteers and I headed to the cells to speak the men individually. I saw the face of Jesus in the volunteers.

The first cell I went into an inmate had his Bible open and was sharing the Good News with a non-believer. I saw Jesus in that inmate.

I wasn’t surprised to see Jesus last Sunday because He assures us when we visit those in prison we are visiting Him.

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