The Prodigal One

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  • March 22, 2015
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Many of us have scars, either physically or emotionally. There is usually a story behind the scars. Riding my tricycle too fast in the basement resulted in a scar on my forehead. The scar on my leg is from falling on a broken bottle. The scar on my back is from my brother pushing me through a window. Looking back I now realize that I should not have punched him first. The list could go on and on.

My last scar was when I split my head open on a jagged shelf while in the county jail. Prison left me with a physical and emotional scar. A constant reminder of how far I had fallen. A reminder of how many I hurt by my transgressions, how many I scarred.

Since my release the scars have begun to fade away as I have grown closer to God and my family. As I have regained and strengthened my relationship with both.

Now, the scar reminds me of healing not the hurting. It reminds me how much God loves me. It is a constant reminder Jesus was pierced for our transgression and by His wounds we are healed.

I hope to use my scars to draw others to God. I am an open book. After all, what good are my scars if I don’t use them and the stories that go with them to glorify God? To give hope to others with scars.

Yes we all have emotional and physical scars but for those of us who are children of God He sent His son, the great physician to heal both.