We offer these resources:
Our Blog
We call our blog “Beyond The Pigs” to remind us of the life the prodigal son chose when he left the pigs he was tending and returned home.
[button link=”/category/blog” button_txt=”Go To Beyond The Pigs Blog”]
Below is additional posts done by John on various other websites.
[button link=”” button_txt=” Guest Post”]
[button link=”” button_txt=”Lenka’s List Interview”]
[button link=”” button_txt=”Love4Love Ministry Interview”]
[button link=”” button_txt=”Speak Up Radio Network Full Interview”]
[button link=”” button_txt=”Speak Up Radio Network Condensed Interview”]
[button link=”″ button_txt=”Therefore I Have Hope Video Series”]
Our Sermons
We have a collection of sermons to provide encouragement.
[button link=”/category/sermons” button_txt=”Go To Our Sermons”]
Therefore I Have Hope
John Rolland spent most of his adult life riding the fence. He enjoyed his relationship with the Lord but also enjoyed his relationship with the world. He always thought that was how most Christians lived. Unfortunately for John and his family, they would find out that you can’t have it both ways.
[button link=”/my-book” button_txt=”Go To The Book”]
Radio Appearance
John has appeared on the local radio program “Healthy You” to discuss his book.
[button link=”″ button_txt=”Listen Here”]
Peoria Journal Star Article
The Peoria Journal Star wrote an article on John lead a group in singing Christmas carols outside of the county jail. This was part of Christian Library International’s “Prayer at the Prison Gate.”
[button link=”” button_txt=”Read Here”]
CLI Newsletter
John and his family were featured on the summer 2015 issue of the Christian Library International newsletter.
[button link=”” button_txt=”Read the Newsletter Here”]
Public Speaking
Since John has been home God has opened doors for him to tell his story at various churches. John said, “There is no greater joy for me. I get to give something back to the God who has given me so much.” If you would like to have John as a guest speaker please call The Prodigal One at (319) 382-0876, or click below to email us.
[button link=”mailto:[email protected]” button_txt=”Email Us” ]
Our Testimonies
We love hearing what people think about us, please read our wonderful testimonials.
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