- November 24, 2019
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Before speaking at a jail, I wait on the Lord for the message. The message for this morning’s service came to me last night in a dream.
I dreamt
I was standing by rushing waters when a man that was drowning floated by. I pulled
him to shore and looked at his lifeless body. Instead of resuscitating him I
said “Jesus loves you” three times.
The man woke up full of New Life.
The man that was drowning was me eight years ago when I swam in sin and eventually drowned. I cried out to the Lord and he reached out His hand and took hold of me.
I shared with the inmates Jesus is waiting to pull them out of the water they just need to ask.
While sharing the message a young man tired of drowning came forward and accepted Christ as his savior.
Maybe you feel like you are drowning in your past mistake here is the Lord’s promise: When we call on Him, He will answer us. He will be with us in trouble, He will deliver us and honor us. With long life he will satisfy us and show us His salvation.” (Psalm 91)
The only thing we need to do is ask.