The Prodigal One

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Put Me In Coach

  • July 23, 2017
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When I coached football, we had a player named J.D. that would stand by me the whole game and say,” Put me in Coach, I’m ready”. The problem was, that J.D. was not ready. He missed practice most of the time so he wasn’t prepared to play and when I sent him he could never find his helmet.

I have been fortunate over the last couple of summers to be asked to be substitute preacher. The beginning of this summer I began to work on new messages just in case I was asked to return to a church I had previously substituted.

This Sunday the 23rd was supposed to be my first opportunity to share the new message but the coach decided to put me in the a little earlier.

On Wednesday, the 12th I received an email asking if I would be able to fill in for a service on the 16th. Fortunately, I was prepared. In the words of J.D. I said, “Put me in coach, I am ready.” I praise the Lord for getting me ready and Praise the Lord that He put me in.

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