Proud as a Peacock
- July 3, 2016
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“Proud as a peacock” is used to describe a vain or self centered person. When a male peacock is courting a female he spreads out his tail feathers to gain her attention. Thus, someone who is “proud as a peacock” is considered to be strutting his stuff.
Unfortunately for the peacock and for us God abhors pride and it is considered one of the deadly sins.
C.S. Lewis (a former atheist) in his book Mere Christianity talks about pride and self-conceit. He states, “As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people and, of course as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.”
Pride is too much I did this and not enough God did that. Give credit where credit is due. Take credit for your failures and give thanks and credit to God for pulling you through them. But if you feel like bragging use the advice of the Apostle Paul, “If I boast of anything I boast of the Lord.”