The Prodigal One

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Prompted by the Spirit

  • June 4, 2017
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Last Sunday I had the opportunity to share a message at one of my Pastor friend’s churches. As I was getting ready to leave for the service I was prompted by the Spirit to grab a pair of reading glasses.

This was a strange prompting because I usually don’t take a pair of glasses with me because I always make sure my messages are written in LARGE print. But, over the years I have learned to trust the Spirit so I quickly grabbed a pair and headed out the door.

When I arrived at the church I found out I would be leading the service which would include reading parts of the bulletin. Once again, the Spirit saved me as I would not have been able to read the smaller print without glasses.

As always, I was grateful I followed the prompting. I am also grateful that God has a sense of humor. When I pulled out the glasses to read the “Call to Worship” I discovered the pair of glasses I had grabbed were my wife’s.

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