The Prodigal One

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  • September 20, 2015
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After accepting the invitation to The Advance the Light dinner in Atlanta I asked what attire would be appropriate for the evening. I was informed a sport coat (or suit) and tie. Not having either one, my wife Julie and I set out on a shopping spree. We successfully acquired what was needed for the event while staying under budget.

-A Sport coat from Goodwill three dollars.
-Shoes from Mission Mart nine dollars.
-Shirt off of the clearance rack eight dollars.
-A chance to go to Atlanta and share my story of God’s grace ‘Priceless’

They say clothes make the man. John the Baptist wore clothing made of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. Joseph wore a richly ornamented robe. These clothes although unique, certainly did not make these men. What made these men was their relationships with God.

I think we need to look to the Apostle Paul for the real meaning of clothes making the man. Paul tells us that when we are baptized with the Holy Spirit we become clothed with Christ. You can’t buy these clothes because they are free. They were bought and paid for with the blood of Christ. Clothed in Christ definitely makes the man (or woman). It doesn’t matter what I am wearing on the outside because on the inside I am clothed with Christ and for me that’s ‘Priceless’.

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