- May 31, 2015
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I read the other day that contestants on a popular television show were asked to answer the question, “How do people begin the day?” The number one answer drawn from the survey was “with prayer.”
I try to start every morning with prayer and hope you do the same. Author and Pastor John Macarthur once said, “Good praying is hard labor, make no mistake about it. It is hard to stay focused.” Prayer itself is, after all, an implicit recognition of the Sovereignty of God.
Three things stand in our way when we try to pray, the world, the flesh and the devil. While in prison I would write a prayer list to help me stay focused. I still use the prayer list today even though I am no longer behind bars. I have come to realize the world, flesh and devil may be more prevalent outside the prison walls than inside them.
On my prayer list I write down prayers I come across while reading daily devotionals. I am usually drawn to these prayers because they apply to something I am going through. These prayers have become a part of my Morning Prayer ritual. I would like to share some with you. Maybe you need these prayers as much as I do.
“When sharing, make my words gracious, appealing and seasoned with salt.”
“Give me the opportunity today to show Your love to at least one person in need.”
“Use me and my family in ways we never thought possible.”
“Use me to influence the hardest of hearts to experience Your love and grace in Jesus.”
“Dear God, Your scars led to life. Please use ours to draw others to You.”
“My friend Jesus, thank you for loving me a sinner.”
“Holy Spirit fill me up and empower me for a life of ministry. Stir in my life and do a great work through me.”
As mentioned earlier praying can be hard work. I pray this blog makes your prayer life a little easier.