The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Our Testimonies

Joaquin Larriba (Author and Pastor, Chino Valley, AZ)

I just wanted to thank John publicly for his generosity and dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord asked him to write his story of loss and redemption and was obedient. It's people like John who make the Kingdom of God here on earth what it is. I love this book and am only half way through it!

S.F 2015 Testimonial

I want to share my feelings first of John (& Howards) presentations re: Prison Ministry. Their stats were informative & alarming too, but John's story was very touching. He presented it matter-of-fact and direct. I enjoyed visiting with both of them afterwards and became even more interested in Prison Ministry. I bought John's book: Therefore I Have Hope!  I could not put it down, reading it in a afternoon, early evening all the way through! It was obvious that he was remorseful in sinning against God and also letting down his family, other loved ones, and working partners. As his story goes through the agony of conviction  and sentencing, it is apparent his concerns were always on family and God. In fact he asked and was granted privilege of preaching a sermon just prior to sentencing!   His tales of prison itself, wardens, guards, other prisoners gives us more insight than most of us previously have had. The absolute main part of his story, to me, was that in the years he served, he was in constant connection and dependence on God, always had, read and shared his Bible, attended prison Bible Study, spoke with others prisoners addressing their questions and SO MUCH MORE! I don't want to give this part away, but watch for the explanation of another prisoner to John re: why no one hassled John and why the combative, screaming young man on suicide watch, just looked at John, silently!! His example of conducting himself in this manner, in prison, as a Christian, speaks loudly to me and will to others. This also shows us how important Prison Ministry is and can actually be a 'God-sent' help to those in such need, whether to learn or re-affirm. It also can be taken by the readers of this book, to a personal level of introspection: where am I with God, listening, faith, obedience.... Thank You John for sharing with all of us and Thank You for jogging me a bit!! PS: I will re-read his book over and over as a reference-study book!

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