The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Our Testimonies

Janice S. Garey, Freelance Christian Writer

(The following review was taken from the "Therefore I Have Hope" Goodreads page.)
John Haeffele has written a wonderful story that shows how easily good people can slide into white collar crime and find themselves ensnared in a trap and unable to escape the ever growing deeper pit. I really enjoyed seeing the hope portrayed in this story regarding how family members and other loved ones can be supportive of their fallen ones. God works through people to lift up those He redeems. This story would be particularly good for families to share with teenagers. In one sense it would be a cautionary tale for them, but in another sense it shares how to give grace to those who have let people down through wrong and perhaps illegal behavior. This is a great book for those who need examples of how to address contemporary issues. The characters are real and could be people who live in your neighborhood or attend your church. Don't miss this good storytelling that shows possibilities for good outcomes despite bad choices. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author to read for my personal enjoyment. I was under no obligation to post a review. Because I feel the book can be of value to many people, I have chosen to post my honest review. 

Pekin Federal Prison Inmates

- "I could really relate to John's story.  My own offense and sentencing process mirrors his experience to a tee.  My biggest fear is my separation from my wife & my three kids, so again I can relate to John's biggest worry.  What I am learning from Disciple Bible Study, and am getting reinforced from John's book is that, 'There is Hope',  'There is Light at the end of the Tunnel',  I can trust God to get me and my family through this if I focus on HIM and HIS Kingdom.  God Is Good."
- "I am coming to terms with how much of a facade my previous life was.  I worked hard to 'Clean the cup on the outside', but my cup was actually very 'dirty on the inside.'  I know I am here of my own doing, so like John, I have to Trust God, and try to shine His Light where I am now.  The experience is causing my Faith to grow into something that isn't superficial ( like it used to be ) and it is REAL.   I am finding that as I talk to my Family on the phone weekly ( and during their annual visit ) that their Faith is also growing into something much Stronger and Real than it was before my incarceration."
- "I think we can all see many of our frustrations in John's story.  The system is so often broken, apathetic, and seems so illogical, but we can't change that.  We are here, so what we can change is some of the experiences that people have when they are incarcerated with us.  We ARE the salt.  We ARE the light."
-"John chose to use his time to continuously improve himself, and to improve how he impacted others ( inside & outside ) so that's what I'm also going to focus on.  I too can get through this trying time!"

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