On Our Knees
- July 17, 2016
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I recall a story of a young man who decided to visit an art museum. He was staring at a painting with a confused look on his face, until an elderly man interrupted his train of thought.
The elderly gentleman told the young man that this was his favorite painting in the whole museum. To that, the young man replied how he didn’t see anything. So the elderly man told him he needed to move closer. The young man still saw nothing. This continued until the young man’s face was almost pressed up against the painting, but still nothing.
The elderly man suggested if the young man were to kneel, the painting would become perfectly clear. So the young man knelt, and as he looked up, he saw it was a painting of Jesus on the cross.
Just like the young man, I saw Christ a lot clearer when my sin brought me to my knees. It is no secret our world is going through a very difficult period. I pray that we take the advice of the elderly man. That we draw closer to God, fall on our knees before we are brought to our knees, and fix our eyes on the cross.