The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Not Right Now

  • January 29, 2017
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Earlier this week I received the news from a Christian friend of mine that his niece was killed in an auto accident. I really don’t know what to say at times like these. I don’t believe it’s time for me to quote Scripture. I tried to, but the Spirit told me not right now. My friend knows God’s Word he didn’t need to hear from me. Maybe later, but not right now.

I wasn’t prompted by the Spirit to tell him that God has a plan or that it happened for a reason, because I am a mere human and at times like these I do not understand God’s plan and I can’t imagine the reason. But I trust God and I know my friend does.

My words were short and few. I listened when he spoke and I told him that I would be there for him if he ever needed me. I have learned that during difficult times that’s what people need, a listening ear and for someone to be there for them.
As my friend was walking away the words from a Jason Grey song came to mind, “I know some day, I know somehow, I’ll be okay but not right now. No, not right now.”

The old saying is time heals all wounds. I have discovered that the only time that heals wounds is the time spent with God.
I read somewhere that God will either spare you from suffering or give you the grace to bear it. I am confident God will give my friend the grace to bear the pain. I will be there for him when he needs me but until that time comes I am comforted because “I know some day, I know somehow he’ll be okay, but not right now. No, not right now.”

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