The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

My Chains Are Gone

  • September 14, 2015
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Last Thursday I had the opportunity to be the key note speaker for Christian Library International’s Advance the Light Dinner in Atlanta Georgia. Every morning I pray for God to use me in ways I never thought possible. This would qualify as a way I never thought possible.

When I was asked to come to Atlanta I immediately accepted the invitation. It wasn’t long before the devil started putting doubts in my mind. I was reminded how the last time I was on a plane I was in handcuffs and leg irons. I wasn’t caught off guard though, because it seems that whenever I have the chance to share my story the devil would begin to attack me. I quickly reminded the devil that because of the blood of Christ my chains are gone and now I am free.

Upon my arrival in Atlanta I was treated like a king, probably because I was working for the King. They loved me because they love Him. People opened their hearts and their homes to me. I was informed prayers groups had been lifting me up all week and the prayers continued as the evening progressed. These were people I had never met, but felt like I have known them all my life. As I have said before, maybe it’s because we all have the same Father.

What a great night. One I will never forget. On the flight back home I was amazed how smoothly the trip went. The devil never bothered me once. But I know he will come back. He always does. The Bible tells us, “The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.” He will be back to try to kill my spirit, destroy my faith and steal my soul. But I am under new management. I work for the King. Using the words of Jesus I will say, “Get behind me Satan” and remind him once again my chains are gone and now I am free.

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