The Prodigal One

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Joyful Noise

  • July 19, 2015
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The Bible tells us to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Joyful noise includes singing and playing instruments. When I was younger, I wanted to play the trumpet. I bet I could have made some joyful noise with a trumpet. My music teacher told me, “John, you are tall and have nice long arms perfect for playing the trombone.” The trombone was not very cool; there was no way I was going to play the trombone. I would have asked to play the guitar but was afraid I would have to play the cello.
Maybe I could make some joyful noise by singing. The problem is I can’t sing. I once heard it said, by the time our voices reach Heaven all of them sound beautiful. God can do all things, but making my voice sound beautiful would be more difficult than parting the Red Sea. I prefer to singing quietly at church and let my heart make the joyful noise.
My dad loved the old Hymns and had no problem making joyful noise. One Sunday, my Uncle Verne joined in. My mom and Aunt had to go out of town so the boys attended the church service unchaperoned. My dad had two notes on his music scale, high and low, with nothing in between. After church one Sunday, I mentioned his singing sounded like a cow mooing. I ate Sunday dinner standing up that day. I heard Uncle Verne’s voice wasn’t much better, although I remember him doing a great impression of Bing Crosby. The following Sunday our Pastor told my mother how much dad and Uncle Verne enjoyed the Hymns last week. Apparently they were singing loud enough to drown out the congregation.
We all laughed when mom shared the story with us. I bet the Lord enjoyed listening to the sweet sound of my dad and Uncle belting out the Hymns that Sunday. Maybe to those in the surrounding pews it did not sound pretty but to God it had to be Joyful Noise.
Don’t change the channel because next week the boys go fishing.