The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Jogging My Memory

  • March 20, 2016
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The other day, I had a chance to go back in time when a commercial jingle jogged my memory. The commercial was for a doll named Buddy. The song went My Buddy, My Buddy, My Buddy, Buddy and me.
Twenty seven years ago, I took a trip to Oregon to visit my sister, Lynn, and her family. There was a doll named Buddy who was very popular at the time. Buddy was especially popular with Lynn’s son, Ian, who was around three years old. We use to sing that song to each other but substitute our names (Uncle and Ian) in place of Buddy at the end. Then Ian would grin with a smile that would light up a dark room.
The memories began to flood back when I heard that tune and decided to call Lynn to see if she remembered. She couldn’t forget it (whether she wanted to or not) and neither could Ian.
Shortly before I left for Oregon I had been reunited with my wife to be, Julie. We had been best friends (best buddies) in college. When I talked to Lynn about the Buddy commercial she reminded me of a conversation we had when I visited her.
Lynn had asked how Julie and I got back together. I answered it was a God thing. I had been living life so fast, that I was even passing the people who were living life in the fast lane. I was tired of that lifestyle. I prayed that God would send me someone and a couple of days later the phone rang and it was Julie.
I once told my sons I think God sent me their mother because He knew she was one of the few people who would have stuck by me. Until the other day, I forgot about our conversation. Thanks Lynn, for jogging my memory.
P.S. If you would like to see or relive the Buddy experience the commercial can be found on YouTube: