Is Your Glass Half Empty?
- October 4, 2015
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Is your glass half empty or half full? A month ago my wife Julie arrived at work and noticed her tire was losing air. There was a nail in it. When she called me I was waiting for one of our other cars to get fixed. Fortunately both sons were home and we were able to make arrangements to get a new tire. Years ago I would have blown up. Not only by the inconvenience but the additional money needed to purchase a new tire. I was living with my glass half empty. God has brought me so far; I owe it to Him to look at trials with a glass half full mentality. I began to look at the flat with a positives attitude.
-A week earlier I would have been working and not been available to help.
-I was able to get a ride to fix the tire.
– Julie made it to work instead of being stranded.
I was thankful, not for the flat tire, but the timing of it.
The next Sunday my son noticed his tire was low. We ran to Walmart and found out we had another nail. We were fortunate it happened on a Sunday. He had school on Monday and it would have thrown off his whole day. Once again I was thankful. Not for the flat, but the timing.
This morning before church I noticed wrinkles in the shirt I was going to wear. I thought I would throw it in the dryer to try to get the wrinkles out. Unfortunately, the dryer would not start. The dryer is old and has been struggling so I thought it finally gave out. My first thought was to stay home from church and try to fix it. I went with my second thought and went to church.
Our Pastor told the story about two shoe salesmen who were dropped off at a remote island to sell some shoes. The first salesman told his company to send a boat to pick him up because nobody on the island wore shoes. The second salesman told his company to send a boat load of shoes because no one wears shoes on the island and it was a great opportunity.
If you are in the habit of seeing your glass (and your life) as half empty try seeing things in another light. The light of Christ. In fact, trade your half empty glass for a cup full of God’s grace. A cup of salvation. Not only will your cup be full but according to King David your cup will overflow.
Oh and by the way when I got home the dryer started.