Good to See Him Again
- June 21, 2015
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A couple of weeks ago my son Jon uncovered a treasure while he was converting some old videos to DVD. It was a video taken the Christmas before my dad passed away. Jon posted the portion of my dad giving the toast before Christmas dinner on Facebook. All the comments shared a common theme, “It was so good to see him again.” Many of us watched it over and over.
My dad had been a Christian long before I was born. My mother’s faith was bound to rub off on him. Although it has been ten years since he went home we all still miss him very much. Those who believe are comforted by knowing he is in Heaven.
The Apostle Paul referred to death as sleep. Dad would like that. There was nothing my dad liked better than a good nap. Dad would probably tell the Lord, “I am not sleeping just resting my eyes.”
I look forward to the day when I see him again. The Bible tells us dad’s new body is imperishable, it is raised in glory, and it is raised in power. Dad would like that. To his family he was like Superman and now he will have the body to go with it.
Dad’s body will be the same as Jesus resurrected body. That would make him 33. I am certain he has the full head of hair he always wanted. His sister’s used to call him curly. In Heaven we will get to see why.
For now we will continue watching the old videos just to see him again. When our time comes, I am sure dad will be the first one at Heaven’s gate to greet us. What an awesome way to be welcomed home. It will be so great to see him again.
Happy Father’s Day Dad