Going Home
- September 27, 2015
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This past weekend my Aunt Shirley (Auntie) from Oregon was in town for a visit. While I was in prison Auntie visited me once a month. Not physically, but spiritually. On the first day of every month of my incarceration I received a card from Auntie. The cards were filled with encouraging words.
We had a great visit while she was here. She had been away from her home for several weeks and I am sure she was looking forward to getting back home. There is just something about going home.
The last time I saw my aunt in her home state was over 25 years ago. I was in Oregon visiting my sister Lynn and her family. We had a wonderful time it was so good to see everybody. When it came time to leave I was excited because I was going home. I had just started dating my wife Julie and was anxious to see her.
My excitement must have shown, because my nephew Ian became a little confused by the whole thing. He asked his mother (my sister) why Uncle John seemed so happy to leave. Lynn explained how I was not happy to leave them, but happy to get back home to be with Julie. Ian was okay with that.
I think going to Heaven can be looked in a similar way. I visited my Aunt June shortly before she passed away. She told me how much she missed her brother (my dad) and her sister. They had moved on to Heaven and she was ready to join them. Aunt June’s daughter Betty was with me at the time. We did not take it personally because we knew what she meant. She wanted to go home.
The Bible tells us that people of faith are foreigners and strangers on earth. We are looking for a country of our own. We are longing for a better country—a heavenly one. A city God has prepared for us. Our home.
I recall a story about a conversation between a Grandpa and his grandson. The grandson had asked his grandpa if he ever thought of Heaven. The grandpa was up in age and replied, “I think of Heaven more every day.” The grandpa was telling his grandson he was looking forward to going home.