The Prodigal One

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God Sees All Our Needs

  • March 13, 2016
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A couple of weeks ago my mom mentioned how she enjoyed reading her daily devotionals on her Kindle because she was able to enlarge the print making it easier to read. I thought I would see if I had a Bible at home with large print that I could pass on to her.

Over the last several years I have kept a collection of Bibles I have read, including those I acquired while in prison. I was able to find a Bible that had large print. It was a Bible that was given to me by the son of a Preacher who was an inmate with me while I was in the county jail.

I spent many nights cradling that Bible in my arms. God’s Word would physically and spiritually give me rest.
Up until now, I had forgotten it was in large print. Had it not been in large print I would have not been able to read it because I was not allowed to have my reading glasses while I was in the county jail.

I could not think of a better person to have that Bible. God never ceases to amaze me how He brings the little things in life together so we can enjoy our time with Him. God saw our need to see long before we ever needed it. It is so cool how God sees and in this case meets all of our needs.

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