The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

From Here To Eternity

  • June 26, 2016
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This post is not about the movie but what happens when it becomes our time to leave this world. Most of my posts revolve around Heaven, but we do have choices and the wrong one will lead to Hell. Pastors don’t preach much on Hell anymore. For some reason we think God is cute and cuddly and that we can live our lives any way we please without any consequences.

God loves us, but God hates sin. Sin has consequences as I have found out. If we don’t turn away from sin and turn to God the consequences will last an eternity. Hell is real. I had a taste of Hell while in prison in Oklahoma City. My friend Paul (not his real name) had the main course.

Paul was a hospice nurse that comforted people both physically and spiritually. Paul loved to read his patients the Bible, sing Hymns and pray for them. He would also provide those who had not accepted Christ the the opportunity to do so.

Most of Paul’s patients loved him that is until he had to care for an atheist. The atheist demanded that Paul stuck to business, that meant no singing, no praying and especially no Bible. Paul was with this gentleman when he went from here to eternity and it still haunts Paul today. We have all heard the stories of the peace that surrounds believers when they go home to meet Jesus. This was just the opposite. Prior to taking his last breath the man began to scream as if he was on fire.

If you have not accepted Christ I hope this post scares the Hell out of you and into the arms of Jesus. Jesus said, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to Hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few will ever find it.”

It’s your choice what road you take, but remember the choice you make will lead you from here to eternity.

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