The Prodigal One

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Freedom is Never Free

  • November 17, 2014
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I hope everyone took a minute this past week and thanked God for those who served and are serving our country. Over the past several years I have had the opportunity to serve those who served our country. I consider it an honor.

I also consider it an honor to serve the one who not only served our country, but all of mankind. Many in the military have given their lives for our physical freedom. Jesus gave His life for freedom from our sin. For awhile I lost my physical freedom but nothing could take away my spiritual freedom.

The last several months I have been teaching a Bible study at one of the assisted living facilities in the area. A couple of weeks ago I               mentioned we were not in a hurry to get through the lessons. A lady in the group smiled and replied “It‘s not like we are going anywhere.”

We used to say the same thing at the Bible studies in prison. It suddenly struck me we were in a similar situation. We all had been in prison. My prison was because of personal sin, those in the Bible study because of the sin of Adam. Instead of brick and barbed wire, their bodies and mind kept them locked up.

But when we open our Bibles and class begins I see the chains being broken, heads lifted high and smiles on everyone’s face, because for an hour we are all free. Spiritually free.

Thank you God for true freedom.




John Haeffele

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