Fill Your Tank
- November 2, 2014
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With gas under $3 a gallon one can almost afford to fill their gas tank. But, how full is your Spiritual tank?
In Joyce Meyer’s book “Knowing God Intimately” she wrote how those filled with the Holy Spirit were effected differently (than those who are not) when trials occurred in their lives.
She wrote, “The Holy Spirit often acts as a shock absorber. Automobiles have shock absorbers to soften the blow of an unexpected pothole in the road. There are potholes in the road of life, and I honestly doubt that we could endure a lifetime of them if God did not protect us.”
Those full of the Spirit are able to go through adversity without losing the peace of Christ. Evidence may carry over to their outward appearance.
An example immediately popped into my head as I read her comments. Several weeks ago I was eagerly anticipating seeing someone I had not seen for several years. She was coming with her sister for a visit.
Upon their arrival I could not get over how young they both looked. Both are great grandmothers yet appear much younger than their age. Each one has had their share of potholes. One of them even had a son who ended up in prison. But throughout their lives they had peace from the Spirit to cushion the blows. Peace that I believe reduced the stress and therefore slowed down the aging process.
In contrast, those without the Spirit may appear to have been through a train wreck. Even when their trials have not been great they let the Devil magnify them. They are running on empty.
The visit went great. Those full of the Spirit you can’t get enough of them.
So, this week make sure you fill up your gas tank before prices go up and always keep your Spiritual tank full. Don’t worry about paying for it; Grace has paid it in full.