Drop the Weight
- October 19, 2014
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This is not a plug for weight watchers. I am referring to the verse in Hebrews 12-1 “let us throw off every weight and sin that hinders us.”
In Pastor Tony Evans book ‘Who is this King of Glory’, he explains “one weight is people who are negative or defeatist about everything, people who drag on us and discourage us. Not people who have problems or need our help. People we choose to spend time with and we allow to influence us. We need to surround ourselves with people who are going to help us fulfill the calling God has given us.”
There are people in our lives no matter what we say or do it is not going to make a difference. We need to give those weights to God in prayer.
Early in my sentence I decided upon my release I was not going to spend time around people who thrived on complaining. I lost two years in prison; and even though I gained eternity, I was not going to waste another minute by letting anything drag me down.
God has been good enough to surround me with the Body of Christ. People with positive outlooks on life surround me and that makes life so much more enjoyable.
If making life more pleasant is not a good enough reason to drop the weight, then you only need to look at the end of Hebrews 12-1 for the real benefit ; “so we can run the race God has marked out for us.”