The Prodigal One

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  • June 19, 2016
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Our God is called by many different names but one of my favorite ones is Abba Father. The name Abba Father gives us an understanding how God relates to His people. The word Abba can be most closely translated as Daddy which is used to signify the close relationship of a father to His child.

Throughout the Bible there are a number of examples of God the Father protecting His children. There are times in our lives when our earthly father’s may give us a glimpse of the kind of protection that God provides His children.

When I was growing up every summer a carnival would come within walking distance to my house. I loved that carnival and I would go to it every day. It was the best part of the summer.

This carnival had everything a youngster could ever want, including the side shows. One of my favorite side shows was ‘Glug Glug’, who was part man, part beast and so vicious he needed to be kept in locked cage. We would watch as he dined on a diet of lizards and snakes and trembled with fear as he banged on the cage. At the end of the show he would bust out of his cage and everyone would run out of the tent screaming.

One night my dad told me that he wanted to see this wild beast who was kept in a cage. I was not as scared with my dad there that is, until Glug Glug broke out of his cage again. This time instead of running out of the tent I ran in to my father’s arms. My dad flexed his muscles and Glug Glug ran back into his cage with his tail between his legs.

It is comforting to know our Abba Father protects us the same way. So, the next time the devil attacks you don’t try to fight, just run into your Daddy’s arms. He will flex His muscles and the devil will run back to Hell with his tails tucked between his legs.

I would like to wish a happy father’s day to all the Daddy’s out there but especially my earthly (who went to be Home) Daddy and my Heavenly one.

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