Cubs Win! (Repost from May 2015)
- November 6, 2016
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With the Cubs winning the World Series I felt it would be good to re-post a blog I wrote in the spring of 2015 called “Three Strikes You’re Out.”
I had the baseball on my mind as I began to take a swing at this week’s blog. This could be the year the Cubs finally make it to the World Series.
In baseball three strikes means you’re out. The same could be said in life. When one fails, people say he struck out. In the prison system three convictions may lead to an automatic life sentence. Three strikes you’re out.
I knew a young man in prison who had two strikes against him and was fearful that upon his release he would pick up his third. I shared the Word with him while we were together and pray he got a hit.
God gives hope to those who strike out. The Bible tells us Peter denied Jesus three times. Peter probably thought he had struck out. But God knew Peter’s heart and gave him another at bat. Peter would become the rock that Jesus would build His church on. You could say Peter hit a homerun.
I have struck out more times than I can remember. But God sees potential in all of us and maybe He saw a little something in me. Finally, I figured out it was time to let God coach me.
God has given me an opportunity to share my story in ways I could not imagine. He has given me another at bat to get it right. This time I will not strike out.
Through this season in my life I have learned that nothing is impossible with our great God. This leads me to believe the Cubs may just win the World Series this year. If not, then maybe next year.
After waiting 108 years next year has finally arrived for Cub fans. In the words of the immortal Harry Caray, “Cubs Win, Cubs Win, Cubs Win!”