The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Come to Your Senses

  • June 5, 2016
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The Parable of the prodigal son can be found in Luke 15:11-32.Of courses one of my favorite parts to this parable is when the prodigal ‘comes to his senses’ and returns home.

My life changed when I came to my senses and realized a life without God is not really any life at all. For me Coming to my senses meant turning away from my sin and turning towards God. Turning towards God is all He ever wanted. That is all He wants from any of us.

Coming to my senses and staying there are two different things. It is a daily battle, take a day off and I become senseless. Sin stands in our way and separates us from God.

Maybe something is creating a space between you and God. You may not be as far away as I was, but there could be something small starting to get in the way. But remember that’s how sin starts. Sin starts small but if you give it an inch, sin will take a mile and pretty soon you’re drowning in it.

If there is something getting in your way I pray you turn away from it and turn to God, put God first in your life, come to your senses and return home.

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