The Prodigal One

Helping People Home

Come to the Table

  • January 10, 2016
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This past Sunday (and every first Sunday of the month) we celebrate Holy Communion at our church. We practice open communion which means that all are welcome to partake in the body and blood of Christ. Our Pastor invites the congregation by saying, “come to the table all is ready.”

Early in my prison sentence in Oklahoma City I found out there are some tables where all are not welcomed. One day I was sitting alone at a table reading my Bible when a rather large man told me I needed to move. He explained that I was sitting at his table and only people from his particular affiliation were allowed to sit there. He thought it would be in my best interest to move.

Not wanting to become a part of his table I agreed. Having your own table in prison was a status symbol. Sitting at the wrong table could lead to bloodshed. I moved because I didn’t want it to be my blood that was shedding.

I didn’t mind moving because I would rather spend time at the Lord’s Table. The blood shed at this table was for the forgiveness of our sins. Christ invites all who love Him to His table. This is a table worth fighting for. At Christ’s table the body of Christ is broken for you; the blood of Christ is shed for you. So come to the table all is ready.

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