The Prodigal One

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Christmas Shoes

  • December 23, 2018
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The Bible assure us that when we seek Jesus with all our hearts we will find Him. I have been blessed to see Jesus in the literal sense and in those who He created.

I would like to share with you an excerpt from my Spirit led book “Therefore I Have Hope” about one of the times I saw the face of Jesus.

My family and I saw the face of Jesus my last Christmas in prison.  A couple of days before Christmas I had watched the movie “Christmas Shoes” in the prison chapel.  It was a Hallmark movie about a boy who is trying to save up enough money to buy his dying mother a pair of dancing shoes so she would “look beautiful when she met Jesus.” 

After the movie I called home to see how everything was going.  The first thing Julie asked was if I had received her email.  That question usually meant something bad had happened at home.  Most of the time it was mail pertaining to the ongoing lawsuits.  It had been our experience that the attorneys loved to inflict pain especially around the holidays.

 With some anxiety, I asked her what had happened.  Choked up, Julie replied that our friends, Steve and Cheryl, had called.  They were also the landlords of the house Julie was renting and in the phone conversation had told her to skip December’s rent as a Christmas present.  That act of kindness left Julie speechless and me with tears streaming down my face.  She reminded me that last year she had not been able to afford a Christmas present for our boys and with the extra money this year she could now get them each a new pair of athletic shoes since they hadn’t had any since I was incarcerated.  After we hung up I saw the face of Jesus in Steve and Cheryl.  I thanked God for their friendship and generosity and for the gift of Christmas shoes.

Merry Christmas

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