
I was witnessing to a young man and asked him if he knew the King. Elvis was his reply. Jesus was mine. Jesus is the greatest man in history. He had no servants, yet they called him master. He had no degree, yet they called him teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him…

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There was an inmate I was with in Oklahoma nicknamed Shorty. Shorty was in his 50’s, looked a little like Danny Devito and wasn’t much taller. Shorty and I worked in the kitchen together.  I would try to talk Scripture with him from time to time. Shorty was far from accepting Christ when we started,…

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A Mother’s Love

1st Corinthians chapter 13 has been referred to as the “love” Chapter. The word “love” in the chapter could be replaced with Jesus, since John in his Gospel assures us that God is love. Approaching Mother’s Day I found myself thinking about a mother’s love.  Honoring mothers I would like to substitute the word “love” with…

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On Our Knees

When my friend was younger, he decided it would be fun to sneak up and scare his grandpa. When he arrived at grandpa’s house he found him on his knees praying. “Shouldn’t take long” my friend thought. Twenty minutes later Grandpa was still on his knees. It is written:“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,‘…

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Home Sweet Home

In the book of Luke Jesus gives us a glimpse of our eternal homes. Jesus tells us how a beggar died, and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. A rich man named Lazarus also died but was sent to Hades, where he was in torment and in agony in the fire. What a difference…

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