The Prodigal One

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Can We Talk?

  • April 19, 2015
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These three words can make your heart skip a beat and put a lump in your throat. When asked by your 23-year old son you grab hold of something in case you faint.
This question was posed to me a year ago by my oldest son Jon. I was released from prison the prior summer and told my sons that they could come to me with anything, no matter what it was we would always work it out. Jon would be the first to put it to the test.
Once I caught my bearings he proceeded to tell me how he wanted to go on a mission trip to Guatemala. His explanation was simple; he had seen the Christian community rally around us and felt called to give something back to God in return.
It amazes me how God has insulated us with so many wonderful people. Several have come into our lives and treated us as if we had known them for years. Maybe, it is because we all have the same Father. Maybe, it is because that is what He calls us to do.
Over the past year I have had several can we talk moments with my sons. I had a lot of can we talk moments with God while I was away. I think these talks with The Father taught me how to really listen.
Jon is planning to go back to Guatemala on July 18th. If you need his inspiration look no farther than the cross on our facebook page. The picture is from his trip last year. Also look to the people who have been there for us. Look at yourselves because chances are you are one of them.
Jon will keep us updated on his trip through our facebook page. Please keep Jon and the rest of the group in Prayer. If the Spirit moves you and you would like to contribute please message us and we will provide an address. Thank you to all who have been there for us and if you are struggling and need someone to listen please call me and all you need to say is; can we talk?

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